SINDURI Mam Sociology Optional Handwritten Notes for  IAS & PCS Mains Entrance is the complete notes .These are the handwritten notes of Sociology Optional by Sindhuri Mam. Notes are good quality, have good handwriting and include diagrams. They have been carefully chosen and the books have been sourced from an existing student.
SINDURI Mam Sociology Optional Handwritten Notes for  IAS & PCS have some important topics that has been given below.
1. Sociology – The Discipline:Â
(a) Modernity and social changes in Europe and emergence of sociology.
Fundamentals of sociology
(b) Scope of the subject and comparison with other social sciences.
(c) Sociology and common sense.
2. Sociology as Science:
(a) Science, scientific method and critique.
(b) Major theoretical strands of research methodology.
(c) Positivism and its critique
(d) Fact value and objectivity.
(e) Non- positivist methodologies.
3. Research Methods and Analysis:
4. Sociological Thinkers:
5. Stratification and Mobility:
6. Works and Economic Life:
7. Politics and Society:
8. Religion and Society:
9. Systems of Kinship:
10. Social Change in Modern Society:
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